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Doncaster Foster
Carers' Association



Here is where you will find all that is happening with DFCA, from upcoming activities to minutes from committee meetings, to who is on your committee.


Please visit often to keep up to date with all things DFCA.  


Please check out our events page to see what's coming up. Put it in your calendar so you don't miss out. Aslo check out our Youth Club Page to keep up to date with everything youth club.



Help us

We are now registered with Amazon Smile ... a scheme to help charities raise funds. Follow this link to shop - every little helps. Just search for Doncaster Foster  and then select us as your charity.


Our Privacy Policy & GDPR statement

Our latest Privacy Policy update, in line with GDPR requirements, can be viewed here




Welcome to DFCA

Charity Recognition ...

... we are now a registered charity! This will enable us to apply for more funding opportunities to enhance what we can offer to our LAC. Please email us for further details.


Event Attendance Policy

This policy is designed to give clarity as to who may attend DFCA organised events and activities. All paid-for events carry a financial subsidy often up to 50% and we need to be transparent in our approach to using this resource.


Number of visitors to our site

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(c) Doncaster Foster Carers Association 2020                                                                                                                                                            Contact us

Registered charity no. 1172954

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